Abortion Self-Care Resources

IPPF has put together a package of resources for Member Associations and Collaborative Partners on abortion self-care. IPPF understands abortion self-care as the right of women, girls and pregnant people to lead, in part or entirely, their abortion process, with or without support from health providers. The resources here include: FAQs on abortion self-care, example programme interventions, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), an eligibility assessment tool, as well IPPF’s IMAP statement on abortion self-care. These will be periodically updated, but please do contact Nathalie Kapp – Nkapp@ippf.org (IPPF Chief Medical Adviser) if you have any questions on abortion self-care that you have not been able to find the answer to in these resources.

IPPF and How to Use – Medical Abortion Course for Providers (Lesson 3 – Self-care)

In addition to the IPPF resources, you may also find the following external resources helpful:

IPPF Visual Resource – a visual guide for individuals, on the step-by-step process of self-managing one’s own abortion.

Abortion Self-Care – A visual resource SAR

Abortion Self-Care – a visual resource – AR

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